Anal gland support for cats

Naturally supports your cat's anal gland health

Anal gland problems are unfortunately quite common in cats. Sometimes it is an isolated incident that can be addressed by manually expressing the anal glands but in other cases this is a recurrent problem.

maxxiscoot is a high-quality anal gland supplement for cats that supports your cat’s anal gland health and helps to reduce the risk of recurrent anal gland problems. It contains high amount of good quality fibre, as well as other natural ingredients that help to bulk and firm the stools, promote natural emptying of the anal glands, ease defecation, promote digestion

Why good anal gland health matters so much

Any problem with the anal glands is uncomfortable for your cat. Which is why you will notice frantic behaviour, like excessive licking and biting beneath the tail and frequent scooting along the surface. These are all signs of your cat trying to ease his discomfort.

As any good cat owner, you don’t want your cat to be in discomfort and that is why taking good care of your cat’s anal gland health is a priority.

The importance of fibre for your cat’s anal gland health

The anal glands normally empty themselves when the cat defecates. The pressure of firm healthy stools puts enough pressure on the anal glands for them to empty naturally. Chronic soft stools however will make it difficult for the anal glands to empty properly.

There can be various reason for chronic soft stools, but one reason is lack of fibre in the diet. Fibre is the key ingredient that bulks up and firms your cats’ stools. Which is why fibre is so important for your cat’s anal glands health.

Fibre passes through your cat’s digestive system without breaking down or being digested. It absorbs water and adds bulk to the stool and softens it. Bulky stool is easier to pass which reduces the risk of constipation and the pressure helps to empty the anal glands naturally.

By absorbing water, fibre helps to solidify the stool and added bulk (firmer stool) can also help to relieve diarrhoea.

But it is not just about adding fibre

However, it is not only about fibre. Cats’ digestion is more complicated than that. Which is why maxxiscoot contains additional natural ingredients and vitamins that support the whole digestive systems, as well as the anal glands.

maxxiscoot also contains probiotics but probiotics are beneficial for cats’ anal gland health for several reasons, as they contribute to the overall gut health, which is directly linked to the efficient function of the anal glands.

We use Pediococcus acidilactici probiotics as they are proven to survive the acidic stomach environment in cats. This allows to make it to the GI tracts where they are needed.

How maxxiscoot works

maxxiscoot will firm your cat’s stool, which helps to naturally empty the anal glands. This will stop the cat scooting, as well as the excessive licking and biting underneath his tail and eliminate the unpleasant smell that is associated with anal glands issues in cats.

maxxiscoot also supports your cat’s digestive health, promotes healthy bowel movements, supports the immune system, and can help with seasonal allergies and to reduce inflammation and future blockages.

Healthy anal glands for healthy social life

Cats do sniff each other’s anal glands as part of their social behaviour, although it is less pronounced than in dogs.

So the anal glands play an role in your cats’ social life. Because the scent the anal glands produce contains important information about the cat’s health and social status, like sex and age.

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Stop cat scooting with maxxiscoot

Cats with healthy anal glands do not need to scoot to relief their discomfort. Just “doing their business” will naturally take care of emptying their anal sacs. maxxiscoot is specifically designed to support your cats’ anal glands health so your cat can continue to enjoy meeting other cats.

Helps to naturally empty the anal glands

Stops scooting and excessive licking and biting

Eliminates the need for unpleasant anal gland expression

Because it's all about the ingredients...

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How to use maxxiscoot

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